COVID-19 Update (29 April)
Last updated 29th April 2020 In line with the NSW’s COVID-19 restrictions, KYO’s activities remain suspended until further notice. As soon as we are able to recommence activities we will update our website and Facebook page with details of our next performance. In the meantimeContinue readingCOVID-19 Update (29 April)
COVID-19 Update (18 March)
In line with NSW Health advice and to act in the best interests of our musicians, their families and the community, KYO’s activities are suspended until further notice. This includes the Far From Home concert which was scheduled for Sunday, 29 March. As soon asContinue readingCOVID-19 Update (18 March)
KYO Presents: Far From Home
KYO’s “Far From Home” concert has been postponed due to COVID-19. Please read our latest update for more details.——-Scroll down to book tickets online at a 20% discount* Join KYO on Sunday 29th March, 4pm at the Ku-ring-gai Town Hall, Pymble on our journey toContinue readingKYO Presents: Far From Home
KYO’s 10th Anniversary Series
The Kuringai Youth Orchestra (KYO) are excited to present their 2020 series of concerts to celebrate their 10-year anniversary! Under the baton of musical director Neil Thompson, KYO will present four Sunday afternoon concerts at the Peter Duly Concert Hall, Abbotsleigh. Each concert is suitableContinue readingKYO’s 10th Anniversary Series
Forever Young recordings
Thank you to everyone who came to KYO’s Forever Young concert on Sunday 1st December. It was great to see so many new faces, and we hope to see you again in our upcoming concerts in 2020! If you weren’t able to make it orContinue readingForever Young recordings